Chicago Lyrics
Roxie Lyrics
[ROXIE] The name on everybody's lips Is gonna be Roxie The lady
rakin' in the chips Is gonna be Roxie
I'm gonna be a celebrity That
means somebody eveyone knows They're gonna recognize my eyes My hair, my
teeth, my boobs, my nose
From just some dumb mechanic's wife I'm gonna
be Roxie Who says that murders not an art?
And who in case she doesn't
hang can say she started with a bang? Foxy Roxie Hart!
(spoken)] You wanna know something? I always wanted to be
in Vaudeville. And now that I'm a celebrity, I'm gonna have me a swell
act, too. Yeah, I'll get a boy to work with- someone who can lift me up, show
me off- Oh hell, I'll get two boys. It'll frame me better. Think "BIG",
Roxie, think "BIG." I'm gonna get a whole bunch of boys.
The name on
everybody's lips Is gonna be
[BOYS] Roxie
[ROXIE] The lady rakin' in the
chips is gonna be
[BOYS] Roxie. She's gonna be a celebrity
[ROXIE] That means somebody everyone
[BOYS] They're gonna recognize her eyes Her hair. Her
[ROXIE] ...My boobs, my nose From just some dumb
mechanic's wife I'm gonna be Sing
[BOYS] Roxie
[ROXIE] Who says that
murder's not an art?
[BOYS] And who in case she doesn't
[ROXIE] Can say she started With a
[BOYS] They're gonna wait outside in line To get to see
[ROXIE] Think of those autographs I'll sign "Good luck
to you, Roxie"
And I'll appear in Lavaliere That goes all the way down
to my waist
[BOYS] Here a ring, there a ring Everywhere a
ring a ling
[ROXIE] But always in the best of taste Oooh I'm
a star.
[BOYS] And the audience loves her.
(spoken)] And I love the audience. And the audience loves me for
loving them. And I love them for lving me. And we jus tlove each other.
That's because none of us got any love in our childhood.
(spoken)] That's right.
[ROXIE (spoken)] And that's show
biz, Kid.
[BOYS] Oh yeah.
She's giving up here humdrum
[ROXIE] I'm gonna be
[BOYS] Roxie. She
made a scandal and a start.
[ROXIE] And Sophie Tucker will
shit, I know To see her name get billed below
[ALL] Foxy
Roxie Hart!
[BOYS] Chuh, chuh, chuh, etc...
(Spoken)] Those are my boys.