Angela Easterling Lyrics
Anchored In Love Lyrics
My friend Dani Lacey-Baker came up with the name for my band. When I put out the call on Facebook & Twitter for band name ideas, I wasn't really seriously looking for a band name, just kind of more curious what folks would come up with. There on the long list of suggestions I was getting, Dani's jumped out at me: THE BEGUILERS. I just knew it was right. Kind of like when I first saw Jeff Hook playing at a club in Greenville and Brandon Turner at a coffeehouse in Spartanburg. Both times, I distinctly remember thinking, "That's it, right there, that is exactly what I need”. Their musical influence inspired the songs on this album. It is so fulfilling to write for specific players and then give those songs over and watch them blossom. Thank you Brandon & Jeff, also the wonderful bass players we've gigged with: Franklin Wilkie, Brandon Gilliard and the dearly missed Todd Verdin (R.I.P.); of course the ever amazing Will Kimbrough, David, Byron and all the other artists who contributed their talents.
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