Angela Easterling Lyrics
Two Clouds Lyrics
It's been a long, hot summer, after a long cold year.
Fields lie in slumber way down here.
But there's a sweet breeze blowing, and it's planting time
And I just sensed that thunder rumbling up my spine
‘Cause there's two clouds up in the sky, All of a sudden there's a big supply
Gotta get some rain or I think I'll die.
Mama needs some water 'fore the well runs dry
I can feel the kinetic lightning spark, As the Heaven's brighten and go dark.
And the wind is whipping through my hair, Like Energy dancing on the air
And I'm alive, my heart is pounding and my skin electric chills,
I'm alive, my breath abounding, every muscle tensed to thrill
I know the storm is coming, the one that I've been waiting for
And it's just like that old saying, when it rains…..Good God, it pours.
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