Hurt Me Now Lyrics - Austra - Lyrics

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Austra Lyrics

Hurt Me Now Lyrics

In a burning building
I was boiling over
with a head of ashes
on a bed of stone

Ohohohh, can you hear me now ?
ohohohh, don't hurt me now

In the velvet calm
willling undone
I place my heart on the table
when the fire comes

Ohohohh, don't hurt me now
ohohohh, don't hurt me now

Have I become
willing undone ?
you put the temple
into the ground

Ohohohh, don't hurt me now
ohohohh, don't hurt me now

In the velvet calm
had I known the hour
What I would have done their bidding ?
What would I have done ?
Had I had a hundred fathers ?
Had I been a king ?
How would I have gone ?

Ohohohh, don't hurt me now
ohohohh, don't hurt me now
ohohohh, don't hurt me now
ohohohh, don't hurt me now

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Notice: All lyrics are the sole property of the indicated authors. Many lyrics have been transcribed by ear and may contain inaccuracies.