Glut Lyrics - Beck - Lyrics

Beck Lyrics

Glut Lyrics


The joke is on me
the sad but true comes easily
and i could be a laughing man,
i could laugh at myself
i could look down my sleeve at you
but you got so much to hide
just like me
you got tricks up your sleeve,
you can show them to me
so hold back the dull surprises
your obvious disguises
propped up like a puppet
convalescent in the glut
it's a needle in the stack
it's a change of scene we lack
slip right through the filth and flack
sit back and relax
you seem so uncertain
you're running your life from scratch
scratch the surface, pass the test
the surface is shallow and rough,
and you're a declarent beginner,
anxious to distract yourself
stopping to believe yourself
invisible to see yourself
so up and down the spiral
don't need a reason to smile
propped up like a puppet
convalescent in the glut
it's a needle in the stack
it's a change of scene we lack
slip right through the filth and flack
sit back and relax
if you can't decide on me
i'll be waiting patiently
to exorcise the ghosts i see
all around you and me


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Notice: All lyrics are the sole property of the indicated authors. Many lyrics have been transcribed by ear and may contain inaccuracies.