Cal Smith Lyrics
It's Time to Pay the Fiddler Lyrics
Well it's time to pay the fiddler
And it's sad to know we've danced it all away
But the warm night's disappearing
Leaving nothing but the cold hard light of day
And it's time to start erasing
All the rainbows we've been chasing in our minds
We know there's no way of making
Other ties on us unravel and unwind
Yes it's time to pay the fiddler
And today's the day the first installment's due
For the rest of all my days I'll wonder why
The maker mismatched me and you
But there's so much to consider like my wife and little children
Will need and want my love just like you do
Now it's time to pay the fiddler but before we pay the fiddler
Let's ask him to please play one last final tune
Well it's time to pay the fiddler
And there's naked sorrow dripping from your eyes
Unrestrained and unashamed we love each other
Now we've got to leave it lie
But I can feel my hands trembling
As I search to find the handle on the door
So let's let the fiddler pull his magic bow
Across our heart strings just once more