Chris Filer Lyrics
Not To The Grave Lyrics
(Feat. Kelly Filer)
Gina Boe/Lisa Qualsett/Bill Filer/Chris Filer
I�ve cradled the grieving
And soaked up the tears
I�ve heard vain attempts
To make up for the years
I�m a keeper of stories, row after row
If only you knew what I know
Sorry�s no good when you�re standing alone
Begging forgiveness from a name carved in stone
Speak all the words you�ve been dying to say
They belong to the living and not to the grave
A father�s neglect
That can�t be undone
The shame and regret
Of a prodigal son
Seeking a pardon they come and they go
I listen, but can�t offer hope
If the hurt runs deep
Let love run deeper still
Make your apologies, don�t wait
Don�t wait until�
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