Den Frusna Munnen Lyrics - Finntroll - Lyrics

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Finntroll Lyrics

Den Frusna Munnen Lyrics

Omfamnad av vind och bitter frost
Under arklisk och obarmhärtig måne
Hon sitter vid isens rand, uppvaktar sin kvinna
Dödsjungfruns kalla hand, oändlighetens älskarinna

Han vill sjunka, känna
Hennes anda av is
Sitt liv i byte mot en gåva
En frusen kyss
Inatt, I evighet han sova

Med en viskan så djup som havens vrån
Ensam men två i dödens mörka snår
Han hör ett ord med makt så mörk
Ur dödsjungfruns vila mund

Han vill sjunka, känna
Hennes anda av is
Sitt liv i byte mot en gåva
En frusen kyss
Inatt, I evighet han sova

Hon lyfter honom med kraft och vilja
Smeker med kyla, bär honom bort
Till sina fäders vita sal
Över rymdens mäktiga hav
Till riket där ingen sjärna lysa

[English translation:]

[The Frozen Mouth]

Embraced again by wind and bitter frost
Under the arctic and unmerciful moon
He sits at the edge of the ice, serves her lady
Cold hand of the maiden of death, lover of eternity

He wants to sink, feel
Her icy breath
His life in exchange for a gift
A frozen kiss
Tonight, in eternity he sleeps

With a whisper so deep like the corners of the ocean
Two lone men at the thickness of death
He heard a word with a might so dark
From the mouth of the maiden of death

He wants to sink, feel
Her icy breath
His life in exchange for a gift
A frozen kiss
Tonight, in eternity he sleeps

She lifts him with power and will
Strokes with coldness, carries him away
To the white hall of her fathers
Over the mighty sea of space
To an empire where no star shines

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


Notice: All lyrics are the sole property of the indicated authors. Many lyrics have been transcribed by ear and may contain inaccuracies.