The Life Worth Living Lyrics
The Eternal Flame Of Glory Lyrics
Honest I did not speak
(I know better than to question)
so when night comes no we won't know
(that our children are bought and)
Sold into work space,
a 9 to 5 perspective
at the expense of our own
our very essences
and We will turn to stone
with the loss of art in education
I'm so disillusioned
worried by everything I've ever heard
We need to work for
better days
in the face of ignorance and ever growing poverty.
It's hard to see through projector's glow
but his tweed jacket show me he knows,
(so I raise my hand to be)
Sold into work space,
a 9 to 5 perspective
at the expense of our own
our very essences
and We will turn to stone
with the loss of art in education
we need to work for better days
we need to work for better days
we need to work for.