Terry Allen Lyrics
Peggy Legg Lyrics
There�s a one-legged woman
On the dance floor
An that one leg�s so pretty
She don�t need no more
She�s got a graceful demeanor
Ahhh pure ballerina
Who gives a damn
If she�s one leg short�cause
If you knew Peggy Legg
You�d be down at her knee
An beg an beg
For her to just give you
Some time a�day
But she�s just blow you a kiss, boy
And twirls a twirl
An this is all she�d say
"We all got missing parts
Right from the start
We got to live with
Bout all a body can do
Is just stumble on through
What God gives to it
All you need is a heart
An just enough of a brain
To get your half-ass in
Out of the rain"
Now that one-legged woman�s
On the band stand
She sings a full-bodied song
About a one-legged man
She kinda jiggles her thigh
When she sings of this guy
And the perfect balance of life
Bout how all he�s got left
Is just what she�s got right�an
If you knew Peggy Legg
You�d be down at her knee
An beg an beg
For her to just give you
Some time a�day
But she�s just blow you a kiss, boy
And twirls a twirl
An this is all she�d say
"We all got missing parts
Right from the start
We got to live with
Bout all a body can do
Is just stumble on through
What God gives to it
All you need is a heart
An just enough of a brain
To get your half-ass in
Out of the rain"
If you knew Peggy Legg
You�d be down at her knee
An beg an beg
For her to just give you
Some time a�day
But she�s just blow you a kiss, boy
And twirls a twirl
And blows you away