Yo La Tengo - How To Make A Baby Elephant Float Lyrics

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Yo La Tengo Lyrics

How To Make A Baby Elephant Float Lyrics

I like to hold hands when we walk
I'm not averse to pillow talk
But I prefer a private joke, the memory it evokes
Because it's our punchline, it's our punchline

That film we saw from the front row
It means so much to us alone
I love the wrinkled brow of anyone else around
Because it's our punchline, it's our punchline

And when we're out
Then you say "it would appear"
We laugh and laugh
No one else hears, no one at all

And when we're out
Then you say "it would appear"
We laugh and laugh
No one else hears, no one at all

If you want to be a romantic fool
You don't have to say I love you
Just say what's in your heart, non-sequitir or not
And without even trying, find your punchline, find your punchline

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Notice: All lyrics are the sole property of the indicated authors. Many lyrics have been transcribed by ear and may contain inaccuracies.