Mozambique National Anthem Lyrics

National Anthems Lyrics

Mozambique National Anthem Lyrics



Original Portugese Words

Viva, viva FRELIMO,

Guia do Povo Moçambicano!

Povo heróico qu'arma em punho

O colonialismo derrubou.

Todo o Povo unido

Desde o Rovuma atéo Maputo,

Luta contra imperialismo

Continua e sempre vencerá.


Viva Moçambique!

Viva a Bandeira, símbolo Nacional!

Viva Moçambique!

Que por ti o povo lutará.

Unido ao mundo inteiro,

Lutando contra a burguesia,

Nossa Pátria será túmulo

Do capitalismo e exploração.

O Povo Moçambicano

D'operários e de camponeses,

Engajado do no trabalho

A riqueza sempre brotará.



Long live FRELIMO,

Guide of the Mozambican people,

Heroic people who, gun in hand,

Toppled colonialism.

All the People united

From the Rovuma to the Maputo,

Struggle against imperialism

And continue, and shall win.


Long live Mozambique!

Long live our flag, symbol of the Nation!

Long live Mozambique!

For thee your People will fight.

United with the whole world,

Struggling against the bourgeoisie,

Our country will be the tomb

Of capitalism and exploitation.

The Mozambican People,

Workers and peasants,

Engaged in work

Shall always produce wealth.



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Notice: All lyrics are the sole property of the indicated authors. Many lyrics have been transcribed by ear and may contain inaccuracies.